Register now: New Construction – The Tip of the Spear for your Commercial Portfolio

Utilities across the US and Canada are seeking innovative market transformation solutions that align with the forecasted load growth. One approach is the expansion of commercial new construction beyond its typical place as a custom measure. This approach can deliver significant savings and pave the way for improved grid resilience and flexibility.
Join us on Thursday, March 20, for a webinar with the Energy Trust of Oregon to discover how new construction can drive growth in your commercial portfolio. Learn about their award-winning program and upcoming initiatives to tackle the next major challenge in the building community: grid-resilience.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- The 17+ year evolution of this market transformation program, from prescriptive measures to a “whole building thinking” approach for all.
- The portfolio-wide benefits of providing comprehensive training and education opportunities for a variety of market stakeholders.
- How leveraging a partner network can drive workforce development and help reach under-resourced communities.
- Insights on the program's newest offering: A Pathway to Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings.
Register today to learn how Energy Trust is leading the charge in transforming new buildings and creating a resilient, energy-efficient future.
Kevin Relyea
Senior Practice Consultant | CLEAResult
Brian Mayfield
Program Portfolio Manager | CLEAResult
Shelly Carlton
Senior Program Manager | Energy Trust of Oregon
Karina Hershberg
Associate Principal | PAE Engineers
Alexi Miller
Director of Building Innovation | New Buildings Institute