Home Winterproofing & Energy Affordability Programs

Cost Covered Home Upgrades. Less Energy and More Savings

At CLEAResult, we are dedicated to helping eligible Ontarians reduce their monthly energy costs and increase the comfort of their homes. That's why we offer Enbridge Gas' Home Winterproofing Program and the Energy Affordability Program from Save On Energy. Both programs provide free in-home energy assessments as well as energy-saving home upgrades for those who qualify.

CLEAResult is a trusted delivery partner for both programs and you can be confident that you're accessing a legitimate service provider when you get in touch with us.

Available Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Eligible participants will receive an in-home assessment that will provide energy saving advice and basic upgrades right on the spot. Your thermostats, select appliances, and home insulation may also qualify for upgrades on a case by case basis.

Basic Upgrades:

An in-home energy assessment

High efficiency kitchen/bathroom taps


High efficiency showerheads

Smart Power Bars

Hot Water Tank / Pipe Insulation

Appliance Upgrades (Eligible on a case by case basis):

 Energy-efficient Refrigerator / Freezer

Smart thermostat

Energy-efficient Window AC

Energy-efficient Portable Dehumidifier

Home Insulation & Draftproofing


How it works

Step 1
1. Screening

Contact us to confirm your eligibility and to complete a live screening or self-guided questionnaire about your home.

Step 2
2. Get Booked

Based on your screening, we’ll book a full assessment or an audit. Audits are reserved for homes that have ample insulation deficiencies.

Step 3
3. Home Assessment / Audit

An assessor will visit your home and install basic upgrades + collect information to determine eligibility for appliance / insulation upgrades.

Step 4
4. Offers

We’ll reach out to let you know if you qualify for any thermostats, appliance or insulation & draftproofing upgrades.

Step 5
5. Install

If you qualify, our install team will book you (Appliances and insulation are upgraded in separate visits).

Step 6
6. Final Assessment

If you received insulation or draft proofing upgrades, we will conduct one final visit to verify upgrades.

Three Ways to Qualify

Home owners or renters can apply for upgrades to their primary property, provided they are the primary account holder for their electricity or gas bill. Below are the three ways to qualify.

You automatically qualify if you are the resident of an eligible Not-for-profit housing provider.  You can contact us to find out if your housing provider is considered an eligible Not-for-profit under the program’s rules and guidelines.
If you have received any of the following benefits in the past 12 months, you automatically qualify:   •   Allowance for the Survivor •   Guaranteed Income Supplement •   Allowance for Seniors •   Ontario Works •   Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) •   Healthy Smiles Ontario Child Dental Program •   Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) •   Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
⦁	If your household income is below the amount on the table that corresponds to your home’s size, you automatically qualify:   Household size (# of people including minors) Pre-Tax Household Income (All working adults combined) 1 $47,090 2 $66,595 3 $81,561 4 $94,172 5 $105,295 6 $115,345 7+ $124,586

We can help you determine if you qualify!

You can call or text us at  1-888-386-1185, or e-mail us at [email protected]

Our phones are live and e-mails monitored Monday through Friday from 9 AM - 5 PM.    

Elderly couple looking at calculator over kitchen table