If your home and household income levels qualify, you could be eligible for free insulation, draft proofing, a smart thermostat, Energy efficient item appliances and more. CLEAResult delivers EAP for Ontarians that live in the L,M and P postal codes. There are two types of support available through the Energy Affordability Program: Comprehensive Support and Energy Saving Kits .
Comprehensive Support:
Ontario residents who qualify for this level of support will have an energy-efficiency expert visit their home to conduct a free energy needs assessment to identify opportunities to help them save energy, receive upgrades and replace eligible appliances. Depending on eligibility and the existing equipment within your home, you may receive:
• Energy-efficient refrigerator
• Energy-efficient certified Window air conditioner
• Energy-efficient certified LED light bulbs
• Energy-efficient certified Dehumidifiers
• Energy-efficient certified Freezers
• Drying line for clothes
• Smart power strip
• High-efficiency showerheads (standard and handheld)*
• Faucet aerators (kitchen and bathroom)*
• Additional attic or basement insulation**
• Weatherstripping around doors and windows**
• Smart thermostat(s)**
• Cold climate air source heat pump**
*for homes with electric hot water heating
**for homes heated by electricity
To qualify, the participant must be:
- A resident of an eligible Social Housing property, OR
- An individual who owns, rents or leases a residence, is listed as the primary or secondary utility account holder, AND meets ONE of the following criteria:
A. Has an annual household income for the previous year that does not exceed the following limits:
Number of people in the home | Before-tax household income |
1 | $47,090 |
2 | $66,595 |
3 | $81,561 |
4 | $94,179 |
5 | $105,295 |
6 | $115,345 |
7+ | $124, 586 |
B. Received one of the following types of assistance in the past 12 months:
2. Guaranteed Income Supplement
5. Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
6. Healthy Smiles Ontario Child Dental Program
7. Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
8. Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
C. Any on-reserve community member.
Energy Savings Kits:
Eligible households can receive a free energy saving kit with easy-to-install products to help you manage your energy costs and improve home comfort. Each kit will be shipped directly to your home and can include:
• LED light bulbs
• Weather stripping
• Handheld showerhead
• Retractable clothesline
• Faucet aerators
• LED night light
• You may also receive a block heater timer if you use a block heater for your vehicle.
Your household is eligible to receive a kit if you meet the following:
1. Be an individual who owns, rents or leases a residence in Ontario and is listed as the primary or secondary utility account holder
2. Have an annual household income for the previous year that does not exceed the following limits:
Number of people in the home | Before-tax household income |
1 | $67,144 |
2 | $94,955 |
3 | $116,295 |
4 | $134,287 |
5 | $150,138 |
6 | $164,467 |
7+ | $170,882 |
Have questions? Call or text us at 1.888.386.1185, email us at [email protected] or access the online chat hosted on this page.