80 PLUS certification program timelines and milestones


  • ENERGY STAR V4.0 for Servers
  • 480V specification introduced for Data Center


  • No-load and 5% load results added to all program test report certificates
  • 277V specification introduced for Data Center
  • 230V EU required for Data Center - Titanium


  • 380V DC specification introduced for Data Center


  • ENERGY STAR V8.0 for Desktops
  • ENERGY STAR V3.0 for Servers


  • 230V EU specification Introduced
  • 80 PLUS Titanium specification introduced for Desktops


  • 10% efficiency recorded for desktop computers
  • 80 PLUS Titanium specification introduced for Servers
  • SNIA PSUs added to the category for Servers
  • Introduction of Titanium 80 PLUS label as most efficient specification within the Data Center


  • Addition of Platinum 80 PLUS label for the most efficient power supplies
  • ENERGY STAR v5.0 for Desktop Computers requires 80 PLUS Bronze and v1.0 for Servers requires 80 PLUS Silver or better Power supplies
  • Addition of Bronze, Silver, and Gold 80 PLUS labels to distinguish among various levels of efficiency


  • ENERGY STAR Computer Specification (Version 4.0) goes into effect, including 80 PLUS power supply efficiency levels for desktop computers
  • Dell certifies 4 power supplies
  • HP joins by certifying 80 PLUS power supplies
  • ENERGY STAR includes 80 PLUS requirements in new computer draft specification
  • First market-ready power supply by Seasonic certified 80 PLUS
  • Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance becomes first sponsor
  • Program concept announced at ACEEE Market Transformation Symposium
  • Developed the Generalized Internal Power Supply Efficiency Test Protocol for calculating the energy efficiency of internal AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies

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Testing protocol   